
What We Do:

Provide utility services and maintenance to the community. Maintain roads, city parks, and city compost sites, and help where we can with community events.

Services we provide:

Tree Trimming out of Primary Electric Lines

Main Sewer Jetting

Re-attaching electric lines to service mast head from city connection

Turning on/off utility service

Community Clean-Up Days

City Limb Pile Maintenance

Services we DON’T provide:

Gas Pressure Testing

Trimming Trees out of service lines

Electrical work on/in homes

Plumbing on/in homes

Home inspections

County Dump Days

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What We Do:

Provide utility services and maintenance to the community. Maintain roads, city parks, and city compost sites, and help where we can with community events.

Services we provide:

Tree Trimming out of Primary Electric Lines

Main Sewer Jetting

Re-attaching electric lines to service mast head from city connection

Turning on/off utility service

Community Clean-Up Days

City Limb Pile Maintenance

Services we DON’T provide:

Gas Pressure Testing

Trimming Trees out of service lines

Electrical work on/in homes

Plumbing on/in homes

Home inspections

County Dump Days

Public Works Department
Who's Who?